
Hand of the Maker: Composed and recorded by Linda Waterfall. Video production and audio mix by David Lange. Open this video in a new browser window



With a Little Help from my Friends: Here’s Linda’s version of the popular song by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, originally sung by Ringo Starr on their Sergeant Peppers album. Recorded November 28, 2012, in Kirkland, Washington at the home of Tina Blade and Marc Hoffman.


Family Holiday:
Every family has issues. Here, set to the traditional melody for “The Riddle Song,” is Linda’s song of a family’s tribulations at holiday time. Performed on June 13, 2015, at a house concert in Duvall, Washington. Thanks to Vaun Raymond for recording and editing this YouTube.



Pride and Prejudice:
Here’s a song Linda wrote and performed for a Bushwick Club concert. A group of songwriters were tasked with writing songs based on Jane Austen’s book Pride and Prejudice. Austen wrote in a period when women were relegated to second-class status, and was unconventionally and courageously outspoken about the unfairness women faced. Published May 18, 2012.


The Way of Beauty:
Based on a track from Linda’s 2009 CD Welcome to the Dark, this video was produced by Greg Pecknold and Kyle Carver. Published April 17, 2009.


Flying Time:
Based on the title track from Flying Time (Trout 1994), this slide show features the nature photography of our webmaster, Marc Hoffman ( Published January 25, 2012.


Cornish College of the Arts Fall 2009-2010 Concert Series presenting “Sources of Inspiration,” featuring Linda Waterfall, September 26, 2009.




Calling the Spirits: Linda noted this song “began with the rhythm the ferry makes as the metallic body resonates the engine rotation, and developed through the addition of harmonic overtone singing and meditation practice.”


Fly Hawk Fly: Harmonies by Marc Hoffman, Tina Blade, and Robin McGillveray. Linda wrote that this song was “resembling my prayers for our healing, all of us, and the planet.”


With a Little Help from My Friends: Linda’s cover version of the popular song from the Beatles’ Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.


Love Out of Nowhere: Linda wrote, “[This song] began its journey with me when I was camping out in Zion National Park.”